Unit 2 Medieval Europe
If there was one major theme for this unit, it would be cause and effect. Students will look at events that occurred during this time period and ask the question of "why?" and "what if?" Throughout the unit students will explore the factors that led to the Fall of Rome by diving right into primary and secondary sources. Then, students will independently practice their analysis by learning to write DBQs or Document Based Questions! This will allow students to challenge their cause and effect analytical skills through argumentative writing. Next, students analyze cause and effect relationships by studying the development of the feudal system. Finally, students connect events together leading to the decline of the feudal system. Students also love looking at the spread and impact of the Bubonic Plague! Throughout this unit, students become familiar with the process of analyzing primary and secondary sources, cause and effect relationships, and citing evidence to support their claims.
Unit 2 Summative: October 22nd (moved back from the 16th!)